The 2014 omnibus energy bill makes important progress in encouraging energy efficiency and renewable energy, including:
On-bill repayment for clean energy projects. This bill enables utilities to allow customers to repay a loan for clean energy projects in installments on their monthly bills.
Utilities to conduct long range emission reduction planning. Utilities will now share their long term plans beyond the 15 years currently required in statute, enabling them to more realistically plan for ways to achieve the state’s carbon emissions reduction goals.
Residential charging for electric vehicles. The state’s three largest utilities will now offer their residential customers the option to charge electric vehicles using renewable energy at a reduced “off-peak” (e.g. overnight) rate beginning in Spring 2015.
Encourage wind power. The bill removes an unnecessary hurdle for wind projects to be built in Minnesota that will serve customers in another state.
What Would Happen?

The new clean energy provisions are approved and sent to the Governor for signature. The House approved the bill 82-40. The Senate also approved the bill 46-12. The Governor signed the bill on May 16, 2014.

New clean energy provisions are not passed.
How The House Voted

The new clean energy provisions are approved and sent to the Governor for signature. The House approved the bill 82-40. The Senate also approved the bill 46-12. The Governor signed the bill on May 16, 2014.