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Record On Conservation Issues
SF2527: Restore Legacy Funds for White Earth Nation Project (May 9, 2016)
House Floor Vote
An important citizen’s council, the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC), recommended funding for the White Earth Nation to protect 2,000 acres of forest that protects a critical wild rice resource. A House committee changed the council’s recommendation and transferred the… Continue reading
How Representative Dean Voted
The Representative voted NO on this issue.
How the House Voted
The project is transferred to the DNR.
HF 3931: Clean energy rollbacks in the Energy & Environment Omnibus Bill (April 27, 2016)
House Floor Vote
Provisions in the House Omnibus Energy & Environment bill would rollback progress on clean energy in Minnesota. The bill included provisions that would: block our progress on implementing the Clean Power Plan, rollback funding and rules that support energy conservation,… Continue reading
How Representative Dean Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.
How the House Voted
The omnibus bill is passed and provisions that rollback progress on clean energy are approved. The omnibus bill will be sent to a conference committee to resolve differences with the Senate bill.
: Amendment to HF3829: Require pollinator friendly restorations on public land (April 27, 2016)
House Committee: Ways and Means
Every year, thousands of acres of land are restored using Legacy Amendment funds. This amendment would ensure that these restored lands benefit pollinators by ensuring that agencies or organizations conducting the restorations only use pollinator friendly products.
How Representative Dean Voted
The Representative was ABSENT when this vote was taken.
How the Committee Voted
The Amendment is not adopted. Pollinator–lethal products are not prohibited from restoration projects.
SF 5: Special Session Vote to eliminate MPCA Citizens’ Board & exempt sulfide mines from solid waste rules (June 12, 2015)
House Floor Vote
Following the Governor’s veto of the Omnibus Environment & Agriculture bill passed during regular session, the Legislature debated a revised bill. A motion was made in the House to insert two provisions that would weaken environmental protection in Minnesota: 1)… Continue reading
How Representative Dean Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.
How the House Voted
A “Yes” vote means the Citizen’s Board is eliminated and sulfide mines are exempted from solid waste disposal rules.
SF 1: Special Session: Approve Allocation of Legacy Amendment Funds (June 12, 2015)
House Floor Vote
The Clean Water, Land & Legacy Amendment created four new funds for conservation and the arts: the Outdoor Heritage Fund, the Clean Water Fund, the Parks and Trails Fund and the Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund. The Lessard Sams Outdoor… Continue reading
How Representative Dean Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.
How the House Voted
The Legacy bill is approved and habitat, clean water, parks and arts projects can move forward. However, the White Earth Project is not approved this year.