House Floor Vote / April 27, 2016

HF 3931: Clean energy rollbacks in the Energy & Environment Omnibus Bill

Provisions in the House Omnibus Energy & Environment bill would rollback progress on clean energy in Minnesota. The bill included provisions that would:

  • block our progress on implementing the Clean Power Plan,
  • rollback funding and rules that support energy conservation, and
  • politicize our state’s public utilities commission.

What Would Happen?

The omnibus bill is passed and provisions that rollback progress on clean energy are approved. The omnibus bill will be sent to a conference committee to resolve differences with the Senate bill.

The omnibus bill is not passed and clean energy rollbacks are rejected.

How The House Voted

The omnibus bill is passed and provisions that rollback progress on clean energy are approved. The omnibus bill will be sent to a conference committee to resolve differences with the Senate bill.


How The House Voted On This Issue

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June 23rd, 2016 12:30 AM