House Floor Vote / April 16, 2018

HF 2887: Prohibiting Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture from adopting Groundwater Protection Measures

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is directed by the Groundwater Protection Act of 1989 (Minn. Stat. 103H) to take action to protect drinking water supplies from nitrate pollution. In vulnerable areas throughout the state, public and private drinking water wells have become contaminated with nitrate pollution. At some wells, nitrate pollution has been recorded above the safe level for consumption (known as the Health Risk Limit).

To address nitrate pollution in drinking water, MDA proposed Groundwater Protection Measures (formerly known as the Nitrogen Fertilizer Rule) to limit the use of nitrogen fertilizer on certain farm fields. These Measures have been drafted to balance the needs of farmers with the need for all Minnesotans to have safe drinking water free from nitrate pollution.

The bill, HF 2887, if passed into law, prohibits MDA from adopting the Groundwater Protection Measures and subjects drinking water safety to legislative approval.

If you would like to let your Representative know what you think of this vote, you can send them a quick note by clicking HERE.

What Would Happen?

A “yes” vote prohibits the Minnesota Department of Agriculture from taking action to protect drinking water and forbids the agency from adopting the Groundwater Protection Measures without additional legislative approval.

A “no” vote allows the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to continue with their proposal to implement the Groundwater Protection Measures to protect drinking water from nitrate pollution in vulnerable areas across the state.

How The House Voted

A “yes” vote prohibits the Minnesota Department of Agriculture from taking action to protect drinking water and forbids the agency from adopting the Groundwater Protection Measures without additional legislative approval.


How The House Voted On This Issue

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