Senate Floor Vote / May 13, 2014

HF1926: Appropriate money from the Outdoor Heritage Fund for habitat conservation

The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council recommended $102 million from the Outdoor Heritage Fund for 38 projects that will further prairie conservation, wetland restoration, forest habitat enhancement, and aquatic invasive species prevention in the state. The bill approves the Council’s recommendations and will enable this work to begin on July 1, 2014.

The final bill included $4.04 million for programs to develop and evaluate strategies for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species such as zebra mussels and invasive carp.

What Would Happen?

The bill is passed approving the funding for prairie conservation, wetland restoration, forest habitat enhancement, and aquatic invasive species prevention. The Senate passed the bill 49-10. The House approved the bill 90-39. The Governor signed the bill on May 16, 2014.

The bill would not be approved and Outdoor Heritage Funds would not be appropriated for prairie conservation, wetland restoration, forest habitat enhancement, and aquatic invasive species prevention.

How The Senate Voted

The bill is passed approving the funding for prairie conservation, wetland restoration, forest habitat enhancement, and aquatic invasive species prevention. The Senate passed the bill 49-10. The House approved the bill 90-39. The Governor signed the bill on May 16, 2014.


How The Senate Voted On This Issue

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