Frac sand mining is relatively new to Minnesota, and the state has yet to establish permitting standards, leaving local governments to figure it out on their own. In other states, frac sand mining has polluted water and air, ruined road, and destroyed critical habitat and wildlife. This bill puts a moratorium on frac sand mining until the state permitting standards are put in place.
What Would Happen?

The bill was passed and referred to the Senate Finance Committee

How The Committee Voted

The bill was passed and referred to the Senate Finance Committee
Members At The Time Of The Vote
Bruce D. Anderson
District 29
Vote: No -
Kevin L. Dahle
District 20
Vote: Yes -
Chris A. Eaton
District 40
Vote: Yes -
Barb Goodwin
District 41
Vote: Yes -
Dan D. Hall
District 56
Vote: No -
Jeff Hayden
District 62
Vote: Yes -
Karin Housley
District 39
Vote: No -
Alice M. Johnson
District 37
Vote: Yes -
Sandra L. Pappas
District 65
Vote: Yes -
Bev Scalze
District 42
Vote: Yes -
Dave Thompson
District 58
Vote: No -
Patricia Torres Ray
District 63
Vote: Yes