Legislative News
Recent Legislative Votes
HF 4425: Capital Investment and LCCMR Bill
(May 20, 2018) The Minnesota Senate voted on a capital investment bill, also known as the “bonding bill”, and included the 2018 recommendations of the Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)… Senate Voted Yes
HF4425: Capital Investment and LCCMR Bill
(May 20, 2018) The Minnesota House of Representatives voted on a capital investment bill, also known as the “bonding bill”, and included the 2018 recommendations of the Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)… House Voted Yes
SF 3656: Amendment to restrict neonic pesticides on Wildlife Management Areas
(May 3, 2018) The Minnesota House of Representatives took a vote on an amendment that would have forbidden the use of neonic insecticides on state Wildlife Management Areas. Research has shown that even small amount of neonics are toxic to pollinators… House Voted No
HF 3421: Amendment to reinstate the DNR’s authority to reduce lead ammunition usage
(May 14, 2018) An amendment was proposed to allow the DNR to regulate lead ammunition on state lands… House Voted No