Legislative News
Recent Legislative Votes
SF 7: Special Session Amendment to Phase Out TCE
(May 24, 2019) Early in 2019 the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency discovered a manufacturer in White Bear Township had been releasing Trichloroethylene (TCE) into the air at unsafe levels since 2009. TCE is a known human carcinogen and developmental toxin that is used as an industrial solvent… Senate Voted No.
SF 2226: Amendment to delete increased penalties for pesticide drift
(April 26, 2019) A provision in the House agriculture finance bill provided increased penalties for pesticide applicators that allow pesticides to drift onto state wildlife lands… House Voted No.
HF 2208: House Energy & Jobs Omnibus Bill
(April 24, 2019) Tucked within the omnibus Jobs, Energy, and Telecommunications Finance and Policy bill, the Minnesota House of Representatives passed legislation to put the state on a path to 100% carbon-free electricity by the year 2050… House Voted Yes.
SF 2314: Amendment to Delete Provision Giving Industrial Facilities Grace Period for Meeting Water Standards
(April 23, 2019) The Senate environment finance bill included a policy provision giving industrial water pollution permit holders a 16-year grace period to meet updated water quality standards once they have constructed a facility… Senate Voted No.