Senate Floor Vote / April 3, 2012

SF270: Preserving community rights

Under current law, Minnesotans have the right to decide if proposed developments are the right fit for their communities. This is particularly important when projects such as large feedlots could significantly impact local air and water quality. In its original form, SF270 stripped away this right by making it nearly impossible for residents to even learn about proposals until it’s too late to stop them. On the Senate floor, this amendment was offered which stripped those provisions from the bill. The amendment passed, but the bill ultimately failed on the Senate floor.

What Would Happen?

A "YES" vote means that it's easier for Minnesotans to stop developments that could harm the surrounding air and water.

A "NO" vote makes it nearly impossible for Minnesotans to stop developments that could harm their communities.

How The Senate Voted

A "YES" vote means that it's easier for Minnesotans to stop developments that could harm the surrounding air and water.


How The Senate Voted On This Issue

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