House Floor Vote / May 13, 2016

SF2963: Amendment – Restore projects recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR)

The LCCMR consists of citizens and legislators who are appointed to review requests for proposals and make recommendations on projects that will received funds from the Environmental Trust Fund, which is funded by lottery proceeds. A House committee deleted a number of the commission’s recommendations. The committee deleted projects to benefit state parks and trails and scientific and natural areas, and replaced them with projects that had not been vetted or fully heard in committee, including a project to map aggregate resources, a purpose not consistent with the purpose of the Environmental Trust Fund.

An amendment was offered to restore the commission’s recommendations and delete the newly added projects.

What Would Happen?

The commission’s recommendations are restored.

The citizen’s commission recommendations are not restored. The bill now goes to a conference committee to be compared with a Senate bill. After conference committee, the final bill still added projects not approved by the commission. On May 31, 2016, Governor Dayton line-item vetoed the projects that had not been approved by the Commission.

How The House Voted

The citizen’s commission recommendations are not restored. The bill now goes to a conference committee to be compared with a Senate bill. After conference committee, the final bill still added projects not approved by the commission. On May 31, 2016, Governor Dayton line-item vetoed the projects that had not been approved by the Commission.


How The House Voted On This Issue

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May 13th, 2017 12:50 PM