Senate Omnibus Environment and Natural Resources Bill
A section within the Senate’s Omnibus Environment and Natural Resources Bill was drafted to prohibit local communities and municipalities from banning or taxing single-use plastic bags. An amendment was offered to remove that section and therefore allow local communities and municipalities to ban or tax single-use plastic bags.
A similar version of this section was enacted in the final Environment and Natural Resource Omnibus Bill that was signed into law prohibiting local communities and municipalities can no longer ban or tax single-use plastic bags.
If you would like to let your Senator know what you think of this vote, you can send them a quick note by clicking HERE.
What Would Happen?
A “Yes” vote means the amendment would be adopted and local communities and municipalities can continue to regulate plastic bags.
A “No” vote means the amendment would not be adopted and local communities and municipalities can no longer regulate plastic bags.
How The Senate Voted
A “No” vote means the amendment would not be adopted and local communities and municipalities can no longer regulate plastic bags.