House Jobs/Energy Omnibus Bill
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates Minnesota’s electric utilities. The PUC’s mission is to create and maintain a regulatory environment that ensures safe, reliable, and efficient utility services at fair and reasonable rates. Utility companies must submit resource plans to the PUC that discuss options that a utility could use to meet the service needs of its customers in the future. Utilities have been required to consider environmental costs in their resource plans, but an amendment to the House Jobs/Energy Omnibus Bill proposed to include costs of clean air and clean water in those resource plans. The amendment passed 71 to 59.
The “Yes” votes prevailed 71 to 59 and the amendment was adopted. However, the Senate did not adopt a similar amendment and the House language was not adopted by the Conference Committee.
What Would Happen?
A “Yes” vote on the amendment would specifically require the PUC to consider the costs of air emissions and water degradation in reviewing electric utility resource plans.
A “No” vote on the amendment would not require the PUC to specifically consider the costs of air emissions and water degradation in reviewing electric utility resource plans.
How The House Voted
A “Yes” vote on the amendment would specifically require the PUC to consider the costs of air emissions and water degradation in reviewing electric utility resource plans.