Senate Floor Vote / April 25, 2012

HF2244: School Trust land management

Currently, Minnesota has about 2.5 million acres of land that is used to generate revenue for the Permanent School Trust. Most of this land is managed by the Department of Natural Resources and has a balanced use of mining, logging, real estate development, and natural resource protection. This bill says that the land’s primary focus is to make money for the trust, and that this must be a priority over protecting environmentally sensitive areas. It also places in jeopardy all the protection designations on the land, meaning that parcels which are now Wildlife Management Areas could be converted into logging or mining. The bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Dayton.

What Would Happen?

A "YES" vote changes the management of School Trust land so that generating revenue takes priority over protecting habitat and wildlife.

A "NO" vote keeps the current management plan for School Trust lands in place.

How The Senate Voted

A "YES" vote changes the management of School Trust land so that generating revenue takes priority over protecting habitat and wildlife.


How The Senate Voted On This Issue

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