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Record On Conservation Issues
HF 303: Restore Legacy funds for White Earth forest protection project (April 30, 2015)
House Floor Vote
A House committee removed a valuable project proposed by the White Earth Nation from the Lessard Council recommendations for allocation of Outdoor Heritage Funds. A floor amendment to the Legacy bill would restore funding to the White Earth project. The… Continue reading

How Representative Erhardt Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.

How the House Voted
Funding is not restored and the Legislature removes the project.
HF 846: Remove provisions to suspend water quality rules (April 24, 2015)
House Floor Vote
Provisions in the omnibus environment bill would suspend water quality standards and require additional legislative review. This duplicative review is expensive, would delay implementation, and inject politics into water quality protection. A proposed amendment eliminates the provisions for duplicative legislative… Continue reading

How Representative Erhardt Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.

How the House Voted
Water quality rules are suspended.
HF 846: Including TFKA in the Omnibus Environment & Natural Resources Budget Bill (April 24, 2015)
House Floor Vote
House floor vote on Rep. Winkler’s amendment to include TFKA in the HF 846 Omnibus Environment and Natural Resources Budget Bill Toxic Free Kids Act TFKA requires manufacturers to report to the MPCA if they use any of nine priority… Continue reading

How Representative Erhardt Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.

How the House Voted
Prevents TFKA policy and funding from moving forward in the House.
HF 843: Uphold Minnesota’s commitment to clean energy (April 22, 2015)
House Floor Vote
The House Omnibus Energy bill includes a provision that would roll back Minnesota’s clean energy policies by repealing existing clean energy laws. An amendment was offered to reject this provision and uphold Minnesota’s current clean energy laws. The amendment would… Continue reading

How Representative Erhardt Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.

How the House Voted
Minnesota’s clean energy policies are weakened; more coal power will be imported.
HF 843: Include amendment to energy bill acknowledging climate change (April 22, 2015)
House Floor Vote
An amendment to the House Omnibus Energy bill would add a legislative finding that climate change is an important reason for state policies encouraging renewable energy.

How Representative Erhardt Voted
The Representative voted YES on this issue.

How the House Voted
Climate change provision is not added to omnibus bill.