House Committee

Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division

Chair: Steve Drazkowski

Vice Chair: Jerry Hertaus

Ranking Minority Member: Diane Loeffler
For more information, visit the committee’s page on the House website.

Current Members

Record On Conservation Issues

HF2102 (Torkelson): Repeal 2013 law that discourages conservation easements. (March 4, 2014)

A last minute measure by the 2013 Legislature changed existing law and prohibits assessors from considering the impact of a conservation easement on assessed property tax values. This change discourages the use of conservation easements for protecting wetlands, grasslands, and… Continue reading

How the Committee Voted

The bill is considered for possible inclusion in the omnibus tax bill. The 2014 omnibus tax bill ultimately recommended by the tax committee and passed by the Legislature did not include the provision and the law discouraging conservation easements is still in effect.


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On Sept 30th, Congress failed to permanently reauthorize the #LWCF. They have missed "a perfect opportunity to show…

November 9th, 2018 12:50 AM