Senate Committee
Environment, Economic Development and Agriculture Division
Chair: David J. Tomassoni
Vice Chair: Foung Hawj
Ranking Minority Member: Bill Ingebrigtsen
For more information, visit the committee’s page on the Senate website.
Current Members
D. Scott Dibble
District 61 -
Kari Dziedzic
District 60 -
Foung Hawj
District 67 -
Bill Ingebrigtsen
District 08 -
David J. Osmek
District 33 -
Carrie Ruud
District 10 -
Tom Saxhaug
District 05 -
Bev Scalze
District 42 -
Matt Schmit
District 21 -
Rod Skoe
District 02 -
Dan Sparks
District 27 -
David J. Tomassoni
District 06 -
Bill Weber
District 22 -
Torrey N. Westrom
District 12
Record On Conservation Issues
SF2098: Appropriate money from the Outdoor Heritage Fund for habitat conservation (April 2, 2014)
The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council recommended $102 million from the Outdoor Heritage Fund for 38 projects that will further prairie conservation, wetland restoration, forest habitat enhancement, and aquatic invasive species prevention in the state. The bill approves the Council’s recommendations… Continue reading

How the Committee Voted
The bill is passed and moves on to the Finance Committee.
HF 1874: Approve conservation investments from the Environmental Trust Fund (April 2, 2014)
The Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) makes recommendations for allocating lottery funds deposited in the Environmental Trust Fund. This year’s recommendations included projects for water quality projects, habitat protection, climate change research, renewable energy and invasive species, including $1.2… Continue reading

How the Committee Voted
The bill is passed and moves to the Finance committee.
SF2016: Strengthen groundwater regulation (March 26, 2014)
Recent declines in lake levels in White Bear Lake and other Minnesota communities has raised concern that groundwater use is affecting surface waters. This bill strengthens regulations regarding the use of groundwater and give the Department of Natural Resources more… Continue reading

How the Committee Voted
The bill is considered for possible inclusion in the omnibus supplemental finance bill. The supplemental budget bill included the provisions strengthening groundwater regulation. The bill was approved by the Legislature on May 17, 2014, and signed by the Governor on May 20, 2014.