House Committee
Civil Law and Data Practices Policy
Chair: Peggy Scott
Vice Chair: Dennis Smith
Ranking Minority Member: John Lesch
For more information, visit the committee’s page on the House website.
Current Members
Andrew Carlson
District 50B -
Raymond Dehn
District 59B -
Debra Hilstrom
District 40B -
Jeff Howe
District 13A -
Sheldon Johnson
District 67B -
John Lesch
District 66B -
Bob Loonan
District 55A -
Eric Lucero
District 30B -
Marion O’Neill
District 29B -
Ilhan Omar
District 60B -
Cindy Pugh
District 33B -
Peggy Scott
District 35B -
Dennis Smith
District 34B -
Bob Vogel
District 20A -
Abigail Whelan
District 35A
Record On Conservation Issues
HF605: Toxic Free Kids Act (March 5, 2013)
Currently, manufacturers don’t need to disclose if the products they sell in Minnesota contain even the most toxic chemicals known to affect the health of children. The Toxic Free Kids Act requires manufacturers to report this to the state, giving… Continue reading

How the Committee Voted
The bill was passed and referred to the Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy Committee