Legacy Amendment
Lawmakers crafting budgets turn to dedicated funds
“Over the decades, there’s been plenty of debate over how the money in those dedicated funds should be spent.”Continue reading
What 2017 holds for Minnesota
The new year brings with it a great opportunity for our elected officials to seek out what brings us together as a people and show that some things are bigger than politicsContinue reading
Rep. Thissen releases Legislative Reform Package
State Representative Paul Thissen announced a legislative reform package that includes both statutory and procedural recommendations to make the legislature more open and transparent to the public.Continue reading
A Surplus Of Bad Ideas
The currently proposed spending levels offered by the DFL-controlled Senate would see the next state budget slash $34.5 million dollars from environmental and natural resources sections of the budget. Continue reading
Funding for the Great Outdoors Marches On
“For the American people thus to allow such calamities to habitually occur, without adopting any adequate means for their prevention causes our country to be regarded as in some respects only semi-civilized.” General Christopher C. Andrews August 22, 1894 One… Continue reading
Building a Better Minnesota
This year Rep. Hausman has truly been one of the most dedicated advocates for conservation…Continue reading